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As was one of the inaugural recipients of a John R. and Aline B. Emens Scholarship, Mark Ervin is giving back to the same program that not only helped him financially but also encouraged him to develop his leadership skills and grow academically and socially.
Created to honor the former Ball State president and his wife, the Emens Scholars program attracts outstanding high school student leaders to Ball State and develops recipients' leadership skills while on campus.
More than 150 students have been recipients of this scholarship since the program's inception in 1977.
Two-Sided Impact
"I have witnessed the impact of this scholarship from both sides-as a student and while serving on the scholarship selection committee," says Ervin, a
managing partner for Muncie law firm Beasley & Gilkison, LLP, and an emeritus member of the Ball State University Foundation Board of Directors. "I'm
proud to be able to support a scholarship fund that positively affected my life as a student and beyond."
When contemplating a way to fund this gift, Ervin and his wife Molly felt a gift of life insurance was a practical way to make a commitment at a point in
their lives when they do not yet have the resources to make a major gift to the university.
"This type of gift offers a simple and attractive way to provide a substantial future benefit to the university at a low present cost," says Ervin, who made
Ball State the beneficiary of the insurance policy. "It was a great fit for us."
Make a Greater Impact
Follow your passion with a gift to the Ball State University Foundation. Contact D. Mark Helmus at 765-285-8312 or [email protected] for details.
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