Sample Language for Charitable Bequests in Wills or Trusts
Please share this sample language below with your legal counsel. We encourage all donors or their legal counsel to contact the Ball State University Foundation for guidance as to correct language, especially if you intend your gift to be restricted for a specific use. For example, if you wish to establish a permanent endowment with your charitable bequest, a separate fund agreement to be signed by you and the Foundation should be prepared by us for your consideration. Thank you!
1. Unrestricted Bequests
The following is suggested language for unrestricted bequests to be used for the greatest current need of the university.
I give to the Ball State University Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Indiana and located in Muncie, Indiana, (choose one)
- _____% of my estate or
- the sum of $_____________ or
- all my right, title, and interest in the following described property: _______________________________________________________________ or
- all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate
to be used in such manner as the board of directors of said foundation shall, in its sole discretion, determine.
2. Restricted Bequests
The following is suggested language for restricted bequests to be used for a purpose designated by you.
I give to the Ball State University Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Indiana and located in Muncie, Indiana, (choose one)
- _____% of my estate or
- the sum of $_____________ or
- all my right, title, and interest in the following described property: _______________________________________________________________ or
- all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate
to be used for the following purpose: _____________________________________________________________________________
The designation of the preferences for which this gift is to be used shall not be construed as requiring the administration of this gift as a trust, the furnishing of bonds, or the making of annual reports to the court.
In the event the board of directors of the Ball State University Foundation, in its sole discretion, determines that the use of this gift for the preferences stated is no longer legal, practical, or possible of performance, or for other good and lawful reason, then said preferences should be changed, and said board of directors shall use this fund for such purposes as said board, in its sole discretion, determines will best promote and support research and education at Ball State University.
3. Restricted for Endowment
For restricted bequests to establish a named permanent endowment fund, we suggest the following:
I give to the Ball State University Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Indiana and located in Muncie, Indiana (choose one)
- _____% of my estate or
- the sum of $_____________ or
- all my right, title, and interest in the following described property: ________________________________________________________________ or
- all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate
to be used for _________________The (Name) Fund)_______________.
Details for the management and administration of this fund are contained in the final Fund Agreement with the Ball State University Foundation signed by me and the appropriate representative of the Ball State University Foundation before my death.
The property constituting this gift may, in the sole discretion of the board of directors of said foundation, be merged with the general assets of said foundation for more convenient administration or investment, but the gift shall be entered in the books and records of said foundation as __________The (Name) Fund__________ and this fund shall be used for the preferences as defined in the final Fund Agreement with the Ball State University Foundation signed by me and the appropriate representative of said foundation before my death.
The designation of the preferences for which this gift is to be used shall not be construed as requiring the administration of this gift as a trust, the furnishing of bonds, or the making of annual reports to the court.
In the event the board of directors of the Ball State University Foundation, in its sole discretion, determines that the use of this fund for the preferences stated in the final Fund
Agreement is no longer legal, practical, or possible of performance, or for other good and lawful reason, then said preferences should be changed, and said board of directors shall use this fund for such purposes as said board, in its sole discretion, determines will best promote and support research and education at Ball State University.
For questions or to discuss how to best plan your charitable bequest, please contact:
Thomas G. Ayer, JD/MBA
Senior Director of Gift Planning
Ball State University Foundation
Tax ID Number 35-6024566
2800 W. Bethel Avenue, Muncie, IN 47304
Phone: 765-285-4146 | Mobile: 317-698-7816
[email protected]